Flow Cytometer Analyzer - Becton-Dickinson FACSCalibur

The Becton-Dickinson FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer is a four-color, dual-laser, bench-top system capable of cell analysis using forward scatter, side scatter, and detection of fluorescence in four distinct color regions: > 670 nm (deep red), 653-669 nm (red), 564-606 nm (orange), and 515-545 nm (green). The unit has a Mac G4 host computer, and most instrument functions are computer controlled.

UNH's Becton-Dickinson FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer on a desk.

The unit has two lasers for exciting fluorochromes: an argon laser, which emits sapphire-colored light at 488 nm, and a red diode laser emitting light at 635 nm. This unit is best suited for the analysis of aqueous suspensions of cells or particles with diameters between 1 and 50 um (microns). Ideally samples should contain 500,000 cells or particles per mL. Sample consumption can be varied between 12 uL/min and 60 uL/min, and so small samples can be analyzed relatively easily. All samples to be run should be non-toxic (given the present instrument siting) and be completely fixed (cells should be dead).

Manufacturer:                Becton-Dickinson
Model No.:                        Facs-Calibur
Year of manufacture:  2000
Year acquired:                2002
Location:                           Parsons W118
Specifications:               Fluorophores are excited at 488 nm or 635 nm with subsequent emitted fluorescence collected at various wavelengths

The flow cytometer used was purchased, and is managed, by the University of New Hampshire's University Instrumentation Center (UIC).

Principal scientist: Mark Townley

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Contact Information

Parsons Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Phone:(603) 862-2790


UNH Rate: 
$57.00/hour  assisted
 $10.00/hour   unassisted

Non UNH academic Rate: 
$114.00/hour  assisted
 $20.00/hour   unassisted

Industry Rate:
$150.00/hour  assisted
$100.00/hour  unassisted